One Word Wednesday….”A”

Ok, so I’ve seen Mix Tape Monday, Shoes Day Tuesday, Sexy Saturday and Silent Sunday (it wont let me link to it for some reason). Well, here’s something else I’ve found (found in the cobwebs of my brain)…… One Word Wednesday. Choose a word that begins with the letter ‘A’ (next week it will be ‘B’ and so on…)

Its quite simple. There doesn’t have to be anything behind the word, can just be a word you like or hate. It might be your nickname. Can be anything, no rhyme or reason need be told (but if you want to say why you have chosen the word then feel free), after all, its only a word….isn’t it?

Here’s my (our) first word…..

Anal Annoying

My Prince wanted the first word, and that prompted me to suggest the second word – so thats what we went for.  My Prince is VERY annoying at times, he pokes my face, he cup-o-farts me, he harasses me for anal (that will teach me for letting him have that first time…I keep telling him, “It’s a privilege, not a right”.) and he doesn’t dry the dishes properly.  But you know what, I wouldn’t have him any other way 🙂

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